Keep up to date with STAYin(g)Rural News and Events

The Staying Rural Project Team meet virtually in February 2021

The recent coronavirus pandemic and the guidance to 'stay at home' has resulted in a very different working environment during 2020.

The recent coronavirus pandemic has affected the progression of the study, and ‘lockdown’ has meant that the second phase of data collection, which was to involve these interviews has had to be postponed.

Distribution of the STAYin(g)Rural Household Survey across the study areas got underway in October. We are pleased to announce that the target of 3,000 completed responses was achieved after 8 weeks of hard work.

In November 2019, the German team members hosted our second project meeting where we discussed survey progress and made plans for the second phase of data collection

Following months of careful survey design, the team have started collecting data in October 2019. Household surveys are to be distributed to 2,500 households in each of the study areas, in hope of receiving 1,000 completed responses.

Introducing the STAYin(g)Rural Project at European Society of Rural Sociology Conference in Trondhein, Norway

STAYin(g)Rural Project Launch meeting hosted in South Tyrone by Queen's University Belfast (QUB)