STAYin(g)Rural Team meet to discuss progress in Germany - November 2019
In November 2019, the German team members hosted our second project meeting where we discussed survey progress and made plans for the second phase of data collection

In November 2019, some of the Dutch and Northern Irish team members travelled to Germany to take part in the second project meeting, which was kindly hosted by the German partners. Over the three day meeting, the team discussed how each country was progressing on the collection of the survey, and made plans for inputting the rich data into a safe and secure database. Plans were also made for the second phase of data collection which involves interviewing almost 150 of the survey participants.
Despite working hard over the course of the meeting, we also had the opportunity to explore the Südharz region. Annett, Franziska and a visitng researcher provided us with a detailed background to the study area before becoming tour guides for the day, and introducing us the various villages and landmarks in the area.